I bought a QCTP holder that can hold up to 20mm, and it was indicated as correct for my small 330 swing gearhead Lathe.
-I have used up to 16mm so far no problem(HSS).
-I bought a 12mm set of carbide tools, but unfortunately, or actually it does not matter with QCTP not all of them line up with their tips at same height…..
-I also bought a set of 10mm tools and in this case they all are equal height in tips even thread cutting & part off.
In this case I made my own small toolholder for the 10mm set, so if the other one pose reaching problems, I just switch to this toolholder, and no adjustment the height is always correct as well.
(Note:I do not have to space up the 10mm in this tool holder)
I think the bigger can be better, but you still limited by the Lathe capability in making a deeper cut, power, total sturdiness etc, so if your bigger tool does not result in a total sturdier setup, maybe it does make a difference in smaller cuts with bigger tools space permitting.
Edited By Chris Mate on 11/12/2021 13:18:23