Maybe the thread needs to be truncated by a couple of thou, to prevent root / crest interference?
Put a substantial bar into an existing chuck.
Skim to obtain a concentric diameter.
Clamp the new chuck to the bar.
If the chuck on the mandrel is a 4 jaw, clock the register of the new chuck and centre as accurately as possible..
Skim the thread of the new chuck, to take out just a thou or so.
With a thread depth of 0.053", the core diameter should be 1.019", so you are looking to enlarge the ID of the thread to about 1.022 / 1.023.
Possibly, before you start work on the new chuck, turn up a piece of bar to 1.022/3" to use as a plug gauge.
Hopefully, the truncated thread will allow the chuck to screw fully onto the mandrel.
Howard WHY do I only spot the typos after posting?
Edited By Howard Lewis on 22/07/2021 09:31:40