Brian and Mike, thank you both for your replies. Mike, I will look in your album later.
I now have details of the vertical head – it weighs 35lb/16Kg. Made an old man puff a bit, holding it up and getting it in alignment to enter the T casting. Phew, hot in workshop today. The support arm which slides in the T casting, is 8 3/4"/22cm from the motor bracket end to under the head casting. I have taken certain measurements for my future use, e.g., base to top of column support casting is11.5"/30cm and the column is 14 3/4" /37.5cm, so if I want to raise the column and head to max. Safe height, allowing say 2" of column within its support casting, I need only measure the exposed part of the column to know if it's safe. Would only go to min. of 2" for drilling or light milling cuts.
I make the total weight 144lb/95.5Kg incl. a small 4 jaw chuck and not incl. a few locking handles. Someone on here recently guessed 1.5cwt, so not far out.
I hav made a drip tray to catch most swarf but joints not leak proof since I don't plan to swamp the work with floods of coolant. I cut a thin steel sheet to fit mill base close to the back plus several inches in front of the front of the base. It is long enough to cover the bench at either end of the table travel. I measured 35mm in from all sides and drew bend lines along all 4 sides, a line from where they cross, out to the corners of the sheet. These corner lines were cut with tin snips to allow approximately 30° bends. Cut corners bent over and hammered flat. Coat of paint, jobbie done! I'll see how I get on b4 I bore a big hole in the bench and tray to lower the column any further. Bending easy as sheet is thin was clamped with a g clamp each end to hold 2 very thick section steel bars with middle in bench vice and used a rubber mallet.