Some of what they can achieve seems many leagues beyond the fabled "watch-making".
I would rate the ears and eyes as arguably among the most delicate and sensitive organs in the body. The Middle Ear link-motion of three tiny bones mechanically amplifies and impedance matches to the transducer itself (the Inner Ear) the vibration of the Tympanum ('ear drum' ). That membrane's amplitude at the minimum sound pressure level humanly audible (20µPa, = 0dB re that pressure on the scale for measuring air-borne sound) is, I was startled to read, barely the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
I had to have my ears syringed a year or so ago (BC these days…). The nurse used a sort of suds pump rather gentler than the old grease-gun syringes, and when she examined the wash-out she said proudly, "Ooo, that's all nice and healthy. I can see the bones in there very clearly!"
A friend who is a Senior Medical Lecturer, particularly I think in anaesthetic nursing, had shoulder problems.
She told me something like, "I hope they don't have to operate. I know what they do and I don't a man in there with hammers and chisels!"
I remembered that when having my knee replaced. Judging by the sounds about the only engineering technique not involved was welding. At least, I didn't notice any bright light through the screen….