This thread triggered a sad memory:
In an earlier life in the early 1980's I had to condemn a Lancashire boiler which was doing an excellent job. It burnt all the sawdust and waste wood in a sawmill/timber company, providing them with heat/power and saving on waste disposal.
I had to crawl underneath the boiler and do an ultrasonic examination of it's riveted seams along the centre shell section between the two brick pillars the boiler stood on. Every rivet I checked showed multiple cracks in the shell plate radiating away from the rivet hole – caustic cracking they called it, but you couldn't say that from just an ultrasonic examination.
It was too bad to make a repair so it was a condemn/get a new boiler job. Gave me absolutely no pleasure ar all to tell their manager that.
That would not be a problem in a model boiler with a nice one-piece copper tube shell of course!!