Hi folks thanksd for the comments/info.
This loco I am restoring had the front cover removed which I have just resoldered back on.
Static water test showed no leaks but I want to put a hydraulic pressre test on it. This bodes a few questions…
1. What is the working pressure of a Carette Stork Leg ?
2. What would the test pressure be?
3. Anyone be got any info about diy test rigs / where to get hold of equipment to make one.
The boiler is brass and most of the fittings are through the skin and into internal bosses. However, the water fill is just through the boiler body(no internal boss). Any suggestions on improving the fill port? Maybe an external plate soldered on. There is a pic in my album of the boiler with its fittings. Cheers in advance.
Edited By Alan29 on 28/10/2020 00:45:00