3 May 2024 at 06:46 toolnut Said:
Anyone know what happened to this brand, why it disappeared (or has it)? Is there nowadays a comparable line of hand tools available by another manufacturer? Any from Sheffield, England?
The nearest I have come to quality tools here in the U.S., where I’m at, are under the brand name Starrett. The smallest vise they make is ten times bigger and not half as flexible, yet it cost me relatively a fortune.
From a proud owner of a few Eclipse tools of this era.
Well, everything is bigger in America, innit.
Eclipse is still around, bought over by a bigger conglomerate, Spear and Jackson, and quality aint what it used to be, from what I have seen. Certainly their hacksaw blades my local hardware store sells are woeful. https://www.spear-and-jackson.com/products/eclipse-professional-tools No sign of the little vice though.
I think tools still made in Sheffield and such places are pretty rare these days. Like most other things, manufacturing has been largely “offshored” to China.