From the ME index so perhaps contacting Peter Pardington through Ickenham might be a route to some help.
1997 178 4037 337 that's year volume isse page
66th M.E. Exhibition Reports. Club Stands North London vertical boiler project, St. Albans, Olympian railway, GWR (Southall) Trust, Hot Air Engine stand, Peter Pardington's Taliesin on Ickenham stand, Steamboat Association, Marianne by Glyn Lancaster, Southern Federation MES
1993 170 3941 329
Model Engineer and Modelling Exhibition. The Club Stands Martin Cooke presents Tom Luxford with Southern Federation Shield and gas equipment by Richard Shestopal, Chingford large scale engineering, P.J.Pardington's 5"g. Festiniog single Fairlie Taliesin, Prof Sir Hugh Ford's 7 1/4"g. Armstrong class 4-4-0
It both annoys and amazes me how seldom (ie never) preserved rail/boat/other museums and the like have no recognition whatsoever of the modelling fraternity. It would be nice if they provided packs of useful information on their rolling stock and locos including photos and drawings in the scale of your choice.
Edited By Bazyle on 20/10/2020 18:28:14