Hi Graham,
I have 4 Bullfinch burners the standard 1230 sound as old/used as yours is. The 'standard' 1230 puts out 4.5kw, the large 1250 – 12.6kw, the very small 1470 – 0.32kw and the 1472 you are looking at only 0.75kw.
So where does all this lead; the 1472 is quite a small burner compared to the 1230 and the 1470 tiny. The difference in heat output between the 1230 and 1472 is considerable.
I've invested in some Sievert Cyclone burners which I now use for silver soldering, they are not supposed to blow out so easily in confined spaces, the smaller 19mm one puts out 3.1kw. the larger 25mm – 10.3kw, enough I hope, for the eventual boiler making which is still to get going. I think it's a winter project plus I need to sort out the oversight by a boiler inspector!
All the data shown above came from a spreadsheet I compiled from the Internet in order to compare burners.
All the while, the Bullfinch kit gathers more dust.