I have had a look at vid 18 Michael and it suffers from same problem as my expensive one I think was around £60 ish 10 years ago.
Beam generated is far too big and or too much spatter to be of any use, reliant more on visual than actual. What it needs is the beam to be 1/10 of that size to be of any use but still wont be as good as a cheap wiggler £5 or electronic edge finder £17, I can honestly get a better visual with a cutter overhead. Ciggy papers another good one.
In saying that did like the home brew laser attachment that might consider only using for larger internal holes, no other accurate use. Also the quick release depth stop but rest of stuff and layout is just gizmos or wrong. Larger or smaller dia hex bar that self centring 4 jaw wont hold, it will be off two of the jaws. Take it he never machines with anything smaller than 19mm shank or does any proper work, machines gonna be very limited in use and so forth. Takes 10 secs to change an R8 or MT collet over with cutter or about 5 mins with an ER but can see his point if machines an ISO.