Don't know about best, not really done any test but I'll look on the tins tomorrow and see what it is.
Really scored a few years ago when the scrap man dropped a hint that he collected coolant from a company in Derby that had only been used once, then he went and died.
I called round and this company sold real high end production machines. A customer would ask them "Can you make this widget at the rate of 100 per minute and if you can we will buy the machines, Machines cost about 200 thou each.
So they would tool up a brand new machine, fill it up wth coolant, anything from 20 gallons to 70 gallons depending on size, demo it to the customer and he'd buy it.
They then drained the machine, packed it up and shipped it out.
The coolant was disposed of. I asked why they could not put it in the next machine and they said it may be contaminated.
So I used to go and collect these drums and sell them on, no shortage of people wanting 2 day old cutting oil.
Unfortunately I'm on my last 45 gallon drum at the moment and can't get any more.
Nice thing about neat il is although it's expensive it doesn't evaporate and no need to wipe down or clean up.
In fact if you know you are leaving the machine for any length of time just start the pump and wash the whole of the machine, never go rusty or have to worry about cleaning under slides.