! I didn't think any modern machines had fraction dials!
How many graduations on the dial and what pitch leadscrews. If 64 graduations and 1/16", then close enough to a thou over short distances (e.g. for applying a cut) but over 2% error so no good for precision work over more than about 1/4 – 1/2". My lathe has a 1/16" pitch leadscrew and I have this annoying issue.
The other leadscrews on my lathe are 1mm/40 division and 0.025mm is close enough to 0.001" for most things.
A 1.5mm pitch leadscrew with a 60-division (0.025mm) handwheel gives the same 0.3% error, so is usable over a couple of inches for most purposes. My mill has the 1.5mm pitch leadscrews, but the handwheels have 75 0.02mm divisions making imperial work a mind-bender. I must fit 60 division handwheels…