Posted by Springbok on 18/10/2013 09:01:27:
I think a lot of traders will be going down this path spoke to some recently and they all said the same these shows are pricing themselves out of business only Bristol which is is run by ME's for ME's not bean counters.
gives and I quote from a trader, "a fair rental"
Problem is Bob that it's not just the trade stands as regards cost.
Say a big show charges £1000 a stand and Bristol only charge £400 which is a massive saving of £600, this is only a drop in the ocean compared the truck hire, extra wages, hotels, meals, diesel and the lost revenue whilst you are away..
OK you are selling to a dedicated section of the community but what about the rest who don't want to travel to the venue, or can't plus the overseas sales.
I was at Bristol this year and spoke to one trader who has been going years and he told me it would be his last time because of time restraints more than actual cost.