I've just taken delivery of a brand new Warco Super Mini Lathe. This reply is therefore not really related to the above but is by way of a warning. Maybe the Forum Master should move this to another topic or use it to start a new one.
The unit was unpacked this morning and would have been set up except that the "instruction" booklet, if you could call it that, was for the old Warco Mini so the switch layout etc. was nothing like the Super Mini. In any case, the content was so meagre that it would have been difficlut to have used the booklet even on the old design.
I rang Warco asking for an decent instruction book for the Super Mini. The response was "there isn't one". So, I now have a nice new lathe (nice for the price anyway) and a load of ancillaries (gear wheels etc) with no way of knowing what goes where to achieve which, except by trial and error.
In addition, the arbor supplied for the tail stock chuck had a tang which meant that over an inch of the scale on the travel was lost, or the arbor was ejected! Did they have an arbor for the job? No they didn't – I ground off the tang.
I am less than impressed with Warco UK as you may imagine. So please beware of buying their products unless you're sure you know more than the UK supplier appears to.
Finally, has anyone any idea where I can get sensible instructions for this lathe? If not then I'll try writing some as I gain information and post the result. I'm used to a 1927 4 1/2 “ Southbend lathe for which I have a complete and comprehensive set of manuals.