to get any real pain on the object in question they need to be very firmly bolted down to a VERY rigid and strong bench / location.
They only have a 2' lever arm which, IMHO , can not deliver the presses stated max even with my 16 st hanging on the end. to get punch type pressures you need to extend that with bar or pipe to 4' ish.
If you have space and can find one as Martin says a fly press is better. They require much less effort to use.
Although heavy and needing a solid bench they are self contained and there is a lot less leverage being applied in the direction to try and tip it over or off the bench.
The pressure is infinitely variable by a) how hard you swing it and b0 how many and how heavy are the balls you add to the arms.
If you are only doing light stuff like pressing bearings out of shells or 200 mm thin sheet bending then an arbour press is the cheaper more compact route.
I hope that helps you make a decision as to what you go for.
Regards Clive