Hello All,
James the cutter that you mention is not really a flycutter ,I made several in Ø's up to 150mm
they take indexable tools, the largest takes 5 tools and the smallest takes 2 they are from EN16T In the larger ones I often remove a few tools and leave only 2 depends on what I am milling Yes I think 1 has a couple of Glanze tools the others are either Sandvik Coromant or Walter NOVEX they work great with the correct insert I will stick a few photo's of the others in my album.
KWIL, Yes the Newall C80 is a great piece of gear .I also have a Newall topaz 2 axis on the Warco GH750 lathe and a Heidenhain on the DSG.
Thor, The plate clamps you mention are machined from EN16T the front faces are from EN24T. the guides bars [to prevent any rotation of the front face] are from silver steel they are designed to apply a downward force as well as a linear force and they can apply a lot of pressure if needed. There is not really much to them but they must be made very accurate to work correctly I will take 1 apart and stick it in my album.