If one is sharpening High Speed Steel cutters, then white grit wheels are to be preferred. As these are used extensively for tool and cutter grinding they are relatively easy to locate, most suppliers to industry will have them. However, they will have large central holes and need adaptors. One advantage of this is that they can be changed from one shape to another without the need to redress them.
For use in the home workshop the actual grade is not critical, any grade being sold for tool and cutter grinding in industry should be OK. 4", 5" or 6" wheels will be OK at 3000rpm but of course the smaller will be cheaper.
You could of course take a standard off hand grinder, 5" or 6" and adapt it for taking these wheels with a the shop off hand grinder just used for basic grinding. see my webpage
I was informed a few years back by a supplier that diamond wheels were not suitable for high speed steel, but believe that I have read recently that grades for high speed steel are now available, is that so and are they expensive can any one say.