Martyn a warm welcome, i never got round to fitting a proper DRO to my old Harrison.
I can check later because i bought the X scale for the larger mill and if wrong might have just scraped in on the 140 same lathe but newer squarer head stock.
The Y axis is the problem without causing undue agravation bt installing in front or behind the Y axis cross slide like so many other, iy gets in the way. For this i was going to mount outboard at the rear, a tight fit just clearing the splash tray wound in, think 200mm rings a bell. Of course wasted length has to be added on at both ends then add wasted length of C type covers and wasted unused scale length. Before you know it 5" may have to be added. Of course this would be a long winded job and need bracing up, or the swarf will interfere when built up.
However, there is an easier way, use the magnetic, no wasted length just buy or cut to what length is actually needed. Done on my M300 Y axis, tail stock and coventional type on X axis dead simple its British. I will be surprised if you have to shim more than a thou over the X travel!