John and Clive – in quick answer to your questions:
John, I configured the smokebox piping to bring the main steampipe in front of the blast pipe (the original design has it the other way around). This allowed me to install this hidden (but easily accessible) commercial ball valve for the purposes of pressure testing, avoiding the need to rely on the regulator as the primary shutoff during testing.
Clive, the duplex vacuum gauge is home-made. I used the two smallest commercial vacuum gauges I could find, stripped them down and mounted them back-to-back and offset to left and right, extended a spindle forwards from the rear gauge, and mounted the assembly in a case. The gauge face is a transparent water-slide transfer on a white-painted bronze disc.
EGA – that's correct, Tony asked me to provide pictures of the lathe a few years ago, the pictures and info are at
Best regards
Edited By stephen goodbody on 08/01/2018 16:40:25