Gear wheels


Gear wheels

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  • #45869
    Bill Dawes
      Hi all.
      I am planning to make the sheet metal rolls featured some time ago in ME.
      This requires some gears to link the rolls, I have done many searches on the web but not yet found anything, does anyone have a source of supply for such things. I am talking steel gears rather than plastic of course.
      Bill D.
      Bill Dawes
        Rob Manley
          They can supply most things – Ive used them in the past or stuff I cant make myself.
          Michael Cox 1
            You could try:
            I have not bought gears from them yet but I can say that the service on other items I have bought has been excellent.

              I have bought gears from hpc and heartily recommend them.

                Another vote for HPC
                Les Jones 1
                  Hi Bill,
                                I recently saw a picture on the web of some home made slip rolls that used a crank to link the rollers. (Like between the wheels of  a steam locomotive. ) At first I thought it was a good idea but then thought that when the cranks and connecting links were in line it would not work well. Later I thought that if the other ends of the rolls were linked in the same way but with these cranks set 90 degrees from the first set it would solve the problem. I can not remember where on the web I saw the picture.
                  Something to think about.
                  Les Jones 1
                    Hi again,
                                      I found the pictures of these slip rolls. They are on a you tube video about 3.5 minutes from the start . It does look like both ends are linked. Here is the url
                    Ian S C

                      There was an artical,can’t remember if it was in ME orMEW some years ago of a set of rolls with cranks and con rods,I’ll look and see if I can find it.IAN S C ps it must have been in ME because its not in the few MEWs that I’v got.

                      Edited By Ian S C on 05/12/2009 11:47:46

                      Bill Dawes
                        Thanks to all, useful info. Tthought the HPC website excelleny.
                        Bill D.
                        Bill Dawes
                           Less haste more speed!! It’s Sunday morning and breaking off decorating to attend to this.
                          Thanks to all, useful info. Thought the HPC website excellent.
                          Bill D.
                          Engine Builder
                            The Bending Rolls with the crank were my design and are in the myhobbystore plans range. The plan title is Simple Bending Rolls. Plan no WE59. The cranks are set at 90 degrees. I am using them in the Youtube video mentioned by les Jones.
                            They were designed for sheet steel but I am giving them hell in the video and rolling
                            6mm x 30mm black steel!
                            Engine Builder (AKA myfordboy)

                            Edited By Engine Builder on 06/12/2009 13:09:33

                            Edited By Engine Builder on 06/12/2009 13:12:33

                              Engine Builder, did you use those rolls to do the smokebox & rims on the K5 in the background? When I’ve finished my A7 Fowler I fancy a ploughing engine so will need some rolls.
                              Engine Builder
                                Posted by JasonB on 06/12/2009 13:34:57:

                                Engine Builder, did you use those rolls to do the smokebox & rims on the K5 in the background? When I’ve finished my A7 Fowler I fancy a ploughing engine so will need some rolls.
                                The rims and smokebox were rolled with them.
                                They have handled  anything I’ve thrown at them. They were origionaly made to roll up the saddle tank on a Sweet Pea. I would beef up the crank size if I made another as there is quite a stain on them when rolling the bigger stuff.
                                I didn’t want to spend months on a exihbition quality set of rolls , just a quick functional tool.
                                  Thanks, I’ll get a set of the plans
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