On dividing a cylinder for rivet holes and the like without a rotary table, Try this:
A similar problem when needing make a strainer: lots of rings of holes, divided along and round.
You may need exchange a quick-change tool-post for a conventional clamp type for this.
Mount a broad metal block – I think I used brass – in the lathe tool-post, square it to the chuck by simple contact, then drill a hole of the correct diameter through it at about mid-length, from the chuck.
Mount the tube between centres and fit a suitable change-wheel to the back end of the spindle to use as a division-plate. If your lathe does not lend itself readily to changing the spindle pinion you'd need use the bull-wheel or some sort of compound-dividing.
Rotate the drill-guide on the top-slide and re-clamp it square it to the work. (Simply, gently push it against the tube).
Now use a small portable drill to make the holes, with the guide in light contact with the tube.
For the strainer, I just aligned felt-tip pen marks on the change-wheel, visually, to a fixed feature; but important work like a smoke-box needs some form of positive detent. For the length division, I used the lead-screw and a second change-wheel, isolated from the spindle wheel.
That was done on my EW lathe before that yet had proper bench to stand on (not long after I'd moved home)! I used a battery-powered drill.