As an Apprentice Engineer, I was taught to use tools for the purpose for which they are intended.
A tool that is abused will eventually cease to of use for the original purpose.
Callipers are for measuring. Scribers are for scribing.
Carbide tips on tools are there to minimise wear, but will chip.
If you want to scribe on a workpiece, use a scriber, or a Height Gauge fitted with a scriber blade, on a surface plate, or failing that, a machine bed.
As someone once said to a Foreman at Rolls-Royce "There are two ways of doing this" and got the reply "I only know one way; the right way"
As NDIY says, you don't use a micrometer instead of a G cramp, or a Toolmakers Clamp, if you want it stay accurate. No doubt you could use a mic instead of a hammer, but I wouldn't trust it afterwards!