There is another blacking process that uses no nasty/toxic/expensive chemicals. Rather than write a long explanation, here is a link to a youtube video which covers the process. It is a little more involved than chemical blacking, but very effective. This is one of the old gunsmithing processes and I have read the coating is more durable than off the shelf DIY stuff. I have used this on several bits and pieces and it is very good. The main ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, can be bought in most chemists, but it is 3% strength. You can buy 12% Strength peroxide on the internet, or from industrial cleaning suppliers. 3% works, but not as vigorously as the 12%.
I know this sounds wrong for anybody with an engineering mind, but it is fascinating watching bright steel rust before your eyes.
Forgot to add safety warning – don't let Domestic Management Executive catch you using her saucepans for this. No amount of PPE will protect you.
Edited By Mike Woods 1 on 20/11/2019 19:26:38