I made a new half nut for my M type a few years back. Yes, it is a square thread. 8tpi. AKA 1/8" pitch. A pitch includes one thread and one 'valley' so your square threading tool bit will be nominal 1/16" wide and the thread will be a nominal 1/16" deep. From memory I ground my toolbit to .063" wide but took a final cut about .067" or so deep, just to provide clearance in the nut over the tips of the leadscrew thread. I ground my toolbit from the piece of 1/8" HSS that clamps into the boring bar. One of those boring bars you can buy from all the usual suppliers. I used the biggest bar that would fit in the hole, which was bored to size of OD minus .125" nominal, but again I think I bored it five thou large to provide clearance on the root of the leadscrew thread.
I would not use phosphor bronze. It will wear out your non-hardened lead screw. I went the other way and just used brass because a) it's easier to machine and b) it is soft and will wear out quicker than the leadscrew, thus minimising wear on the leadscrew. If you feel you must use bronze, I would definitely use leaded bronze, I think in teh UK its commonly called gun metal (?). Here in Oz its known as LG2 standard leaded bronze. It is not as hard as phosphor bronze and is OK to run against non-hardened steel. I think the lead gives some lubricating qualities to it.
Making the tool bit took longer than machining the thread in the "bobbin". I ran the lathe in the normal direction and cut the left-hand thread by starting with the tool inside the job at the left hand end. When the halfnuts were engaged it travelled towards the right. It's a great leap of faith starting the cut where you can't see the tool bit but it works, providing you have the cross slide dial correctly set. Took about five thou cuts and finished with finer cut or two. Bit of squealing from the brass and that springy boring bar but you get that.
I then soft-soldered the "bobbin" in place on the modified arm and it has been working ever since. The shoulders on the ends of the bobbin take the load so soft solder seems to be all that's needed.
The threads in my old half-nut bobbin (it had been modded before my ownership, many many years ago apparently) were worn down to about .015" thick so it was a miracle they still worked at all. Must have been so work hardened they were tough as blazes and hung in there long enough to make the new nut.
Edited By Hopper on 13/02/2018 12:05:40
Edited By Hopper on 13/02/2018 12:08:45