I have a CL430 and a Warco WMT300, so can compare these 'identical' machines.
On neither of them is there a tumbler to reverse the chuck relative to the power feed. On neither of them is there a screw on chuck. So one helpful thing and one worry disposed of from people who know lathes, but unfortunately not these specific ones.
In the belt box, where you put the gears – see fig 14 in the Clarke Manual on page 15, where it says 'gear train', you will find on the Clarke a slotted piece of metal with a straight slot and the curved slot visible in fig 14. The straight slot is where a single shaft for two reduction spur gears can be attached. This is, unfortunately a problem, as you need to put an idler gear between the first or last gear and the reduction pair, which needs a second slot perpendicular to the main straight one. Sorry, not describing it well. The Warco I have has the facility to put in an idler. If you want me to, I can get a photo of each to show the shape difference so you could make a plate that enables an idler to be used.
If I didn't make it clear, at the moment the Clarke cannot cut LH threads. But it can be made to.
Edited By richardandtracy on 07/02/2017 14:17:12
Edited By richardandtracy on 07/02/2017 14:24:03