Nick G Whats surprising about that blend?? I think its 50/50 tin lead. I bought it as a stick of tinmans solder, for mechanical joints, not electrical. Actually making tinplate fuel tanks for model aeroplanes
I was/am planning on tinning all the joints, wiping away excess, bolting all the bits together, aligning, soldering, running in a bit until there is a nice fillet, then dowelling.
I understand that soft solder is not very strong, its there in an attempt to prevent any movement and to support the screws/dowels. I still have the toolbox that I made during my apprenticeship, with some soldered and some riveted joints. I'm trying to not have to buy anything for this project, hence the no welding
The Boss will be requested to take some photos.
Thanks chaps, I reckon I'll do more or less as Hopper suggested. There certainly won't be any precision scraping!!