A bit unrelated, but very nice checkering on the stuart beam, how did you do that, if you mind me asking Jason?
Ok, i can look rather sanctimonious when i say "just no", i get what people are saying when looking back at their early experiences, and quite honestly ask "well there must have been a time when you didn't know any better" Indeed there was, but i was very lucky to have a mentor in the form of a book written by Joe martin, which quickly steered me away from such lazy practice.
I was quite sad, as i read the manual of my little sherline mill from cover to cover, and on the topic of milling cutters, these are small machines, so the milling cutters are small likewise, from the very beginning, Joe very sternly said that this was a totally wrong practice and would not pass muster…do not pass go, do not collect $200.
So there we are, that's my story of how i came to know.
Michael W