Unfortunately no tool ever made will chip break 6082 I work with it every day for 20 odd years. Other grades chip breakers may work.
That means rakes, type of tool in fact everything will come off continuous. Manually break it up by stopping feed rate momentarily as in interrupted cuts.
6082 is a bad one for stiction constantly clogging up tools with or without coolant. Put something behind in an attempt to break up the continuous chip will only deflect and or aid clogging. It has a spring like quality in T6 whereas others can be brittle or gummy, then of course theres the free machining gorgeous any tool works.
Heres an old action shot 14 years ago, 5 1/4" dia facing off 1/2" one pass 1000rpm on power cross feed, just keep an eye on whats happening and listen for tonal change. Will have to interrupt the cut to break the chip.
Current lathe has a lot bigger hold so don't need to stop so often and keep emptying.
Two hours in compressed, longest strand around 6ft mostly 2ft.
Wire cutters and pliers come in handy.
Can turn back wards towards tail stock pushing the built up or wrapped around chip off the round being turned, just need to move tool out the way to clear the debris.