Hi Nishka
If you have a drill press and a rotary table or jig that can index 60 degrees. This should work?
Drill a bole slightly less than the hex across the flats measurement.
Make up a small chisel like end that is just as wide as the flats of the hex you need.it could be a bit of silver steel that will fit in the chuck on your drill press. You will have to clamp or wedge under the main pulley on your drill press spindle to stop it rotating.
Now you have a means of driving the chisel up and down. (Set the drill press stop at the maximum depth you wish to cut)
Set your work in the indexing fixture and position the chisel for the first cut and clamp down. after indexing one complete turn measure for size and move out until you get a good fit.
There will be bits of plastic at the bottom of the hole that may need to be cut away you may need to grind and bend up a small tool or an old screwdriver if you have one to cut the bits of plastic at the bottom of the hole, it will depend on the type of plastic, it may just scrape away.
if you have a lathe you can use the same process sideways using the table traverse.
Edited By John McNamara on 27/10/2014 05:43:43