What you have there is a "shell" script which is run from the command line in a terminal window. The "shell" is a program that processes the commands, two of the more popular shells are bash and zsh. It looks as if this particular script is used to build the application so unless you intend rebuilding it, is probably not really useful to you.
If you were a DOS user you may remember BAT files which ran a series of commands at the command line, a shell script is similar but vastly more powerful.
Comments in a shell script start with # so all text in your script that follows a # is ignored by the shell it is only there for the user's edification, all that is except for the first line:
#!/bin/sh which by convention indicate which application is used to execute the script, in this case /bin/sh (which is probably a link to the actual program),
The first thing your script does is set a few environment variables:
The content of an environment variable is retrieved by means of the $ symbol. So: for example using the "echo" command that displays text in the terminal e.g:
export XYZ=Hello
echo "The XYZ variable contains $XYZ"
would display
The XYZ variable contains Hello
That only just really touched the surface, if you are interested in learning more about shell scripts Google turned up some promising links when I searched for: introduction to shell script programming