Permit me a little speculation here, please …
1. Our introduction to the underlying concept of CNC was the XY plotter, and there is an obvious evolutionary path from that to CNC routing or milling.
2. The 'Holy Grail' is the full 5-Axis CNC machine : **LINK**
3. Development effort progressed along that path.
4. A simple [2-Axis] CNC lathe can only produce a small range of shapes
5. In terms of 'perceived value' [i.e. is it worth developing and marketing this machine?] the lathe comes at the bottom of the list.
… Feed those thoughts into what Paul wrote.
Of course, however: Your perception of usefulness, and therefore 'value for DIY effort' might differ greatly from that scenario … Making the CNC lathe an excellent home-brew project.
Jason's comment is, I suggest, consistent with this … because Sherline is 'the amateur' raised to a power !
[and I mean that as a compliment]
Have a look around the Sherline site, and see them using their own machines to make products that they sell.
Edited By Michael Gilligan on 22/07/2019 07:57:04