Hello All.
I am a drives and controls engineer, I have applied this knowledge to customer with machine tools all my working life. I AM NOT A MACHANICAL ENGINEER, but have a reasonable understanding and a real interest.
I have recently purchased a Myford Super 7 to restore and convert the spindle and main feed screw to CNC with positioning servo’s on both axis. I am fitting a 16mm dia, 5mm pitch ball screw to replace the main screw, this is the axis that will have one of the servo’s.
As a learning process, I restored a basic lathe and fitted a vector spindle, just to understand the mechanics and understand what I needed from the next lathe to deliver the quality I needed.
YouTube – **LINK**
When the Myford is finished, I will sell the first lathe.
The main use of the lathe will be to produce clock gears and pinions, but also parts for my vintage motorbike.
The lathe is stripped and the bed is away being ground.
I am going through each assembly and restoring as I go along.
I selling the clutch and counter shaft, motor, all pulley’s including spindle pulley, rack, screw and apron and all other bits that I do not need. Some bits have all ready been sold.
My first question is the top and bottom slides. There is backlash, I think it will be the nuts as these are made of an alloy. Where would I get 2 bronze nuts to replace the original nuts?
I understand that backlash is not always a problem as it can be overcome with good practice, but I want to reduce it to a minimum
I am tempted to replace these primitive screw’s with rolled ball screw’s and include a locking mechanism on each axis as the ball screw will not hold position as it does not have enough friction. This would allow servo’s to be added on these slides. But this may be a job for latter.
I have many pictures I have taken along this journey and I will have many more before I reach the finish line. I am not sure about the norm of this forum but I am happy to share them.
I would welcome the answer to the above question.
![img_1386.jpg img_1386.jpg]()
(Due to my lack of knowledge about this forum, I posted this elsewhere. I have decided to create a new thread).
Edited By Andrew Davies 4 on 25/09/2018 09:42:08