OK short sharp reply.
Everybody here is looking at this from a purely selfish attitude, how does it affect me. Ok nothing wrong with that, we all do it but please look at it from another aspect.
Most who have posted here are probably using CNC and have converted their own but now look at it from the view of someone who can't do all this CNC mumbo Jumbo and just wants a machine to use.
In this case our hero has to rely on third party suppliers and MOST importantly SUPPORT.
Mach 3 was a good system, developed by Art Fenerty and a limited team of testers who were also users and he listened to them.
Linux is possibly a better system but run by a team of developers not users who frankly don't listen to anyone and this has been well documented over the years. With Linux everyone is free to do what they want and return any modified code to the developers but then it falls thru the cracks.
All these systems require hardware like breakout boards, external controllers computers etc.
Everyone tells you Linux is free, technically yes but the time taken to set it up isn't. No two computers whether free, bought or whatever are the same. The result is when a system is shipped out to a customer you can get all sort of problems that have to be supported.
Hardware is a nightmare in that many of the suppliers never sort problems out with their hardware, refuse to answer questions or support, or just disappear off the fact of the earth.
This is a shelf above the bench where I prepare CNC conversions.
In those boxes are multiple versions of breakout boards drivers, external controllers etc.
The total cost of this lot is well over £1,000 possibly close to £2,000 and this is not the only store of crap redundant parts that don't work or that I can't get support for.
So please excuse me if I sound bitter and selfish.
I have had to jump in my truck, travel from Nottingham to Bristol, Darlington and Hull on 4 separate occasions to replace faulty supplied boards for customers as part of the support package.
I could go on and on but suffice to say I see these simple all in one box a total game changer.
Problems with the box ? Could happen but in over 20 years of working with CNC's I have never know a proprietary controller to go down, it's always the ancillary board, encoders etc. The simple controllers being made at the moment are actually less than a decent breakout board, forget the computer and licensing.
Suppliers goes out of business OK can and will happen but the box will carry on running.
OK Mach and Linux will be around for a long while and suit many why can and are able to play but spare a though for the vast majority who just want to own a CNC machine and use it without knowing how it works inside.
These people are not the minority like the posters on here but the Majority.