Bit of swings and roundabouts in that the more powerful program's have many ways to do the same thing with attendant learning curve. The cheaper ones are easier to learn but lack features.
This is just my take on it.
I find Dolphin CAD to be terrible, Dolphin know this and when the new full 3D package comes out [ not soon ] they will drop the CAD side as theirs can't do 3D and adopt a package out there, smart moneys says Alibre / Geomagic
Personally I draw in a CAD system I'm fully conversant with and import as a DXF into CAD, then define what parts need cutting, move to CAM and process the file.
When we bought it ages ago, V4 in DOS to give an idea we had a demo that lasted about 2 hours and from there we were cutting simple parts the next day.
Nowadays it would probably take a few nights of watching video's as you can't ask a video a clarification question and you would be away.