Hi Jasmine,
The screen dump seems to be of a simulator run from some G code that you have hand written. Your code looks ok to me; obviously the outer profile and the four holes are shown correctly. The move that seems to be causing the problem is:
G3 X-30 Y40 J10
The screen dump shows this move correctly, ie a CCW move starting at X-40 Y30 ending at X-30 Y40 with the centre of the arc at X-30 Y40. This means that your system is set to use absolute coordinates, with the I and the J values as incremental.
One slightly unusual aspect of your G code is that you have omitted I and J values when they are equal to zero, and X or Y coordinates when they have not changed since the last move. Some CNC controllers allow this some don’t; your simulator seems happy with this for all the outer moves and the four holes.
I would suggest you try the following on the offending line of code:
1) Explicitly set the I value to 0, just in case, ie.
G3 X-30 Y40 I0 J10
2) Erase the line and then re-type it, in case there are some non printing character embedded, or if you’ve used the letter o in place of the number 0. It sounds silly, but I have seen it happen often enough.
3) Check that there are no typos in the line following the highlighted line, or indeed in the rest of the program, sometimes the location the program stops at is not exactly where the error is located.
The error message is as helpful as most error messages are…. It will mean something to the programmer who wrote the simulator, but no help to anybody else!
You obviously understand G codes, so don’t be afraid to experiment, try different values and shorter program snippets until you find what is causing the error. As far as I can see there is nothing obviously wrong with the program you have listed.