Not been disappointed so far, some nice bargains over the black friday period (but one bargain seems to have been kidnapped by Hermes)
Always worth keeping an eye out for whats on offer with them, got a 750W reversible sewing motor for under 100 which is very flexible, it even ran my full Drummond gubbins (countershaft) when I tried it out
They did 38mm bore hobby lathes not so long ago and I don't doubt for an instant that fettling would be needed
(if I wasn't buried in Drummonds I would have seriously considered getting one)
Lots of cnc stuff lands from time to time too and the cnc guys snap the good stuff up, also got a vevor wire welder which has done well so far
My guess from a few emails is that it's a group of chinese outlets using "Vevor" as an import vehicle
Edited By Ady1 on 08/12/2022 18:02:50