If I may suggest….
A photo is good for the initial information, but let down in this instance. Although taking pictures in a cramped home workshop can be very difficult, items photographed for sale should not be partially hidden by extraneous clutter and poor lighting, as in those two examples.
Why is that mill table buried under irrelevant boxes? Why is there a pretty picnic-basket in the lathe chip-tray? The lathe headstock is not the place to store loose, large boxes, for safety. Nor should there be electrical leads wrapped around the saddle.
These sort of things do not show the goods to advantage and worse, however wrong they may be, viewers might worry what is really there. I'm afraid that however tidy the machines underneath look, and these do, points like that can question the owner's general approach to his workshop equipment nearly as much as if they were covered in swarf and over-run scars.