Gentlemen ! I will collect what I believe is the right belts this morning supplied by Hayleys an national bearing and transmission specialist in Kings Lynn. Having found an old myfords spares list, whilst I knew that the secondary belt was an A 29.5, the primary belt was the question ! It is stated as Z870 and that is what I've ordered. I fail to see how a likn belt will transmit power more smoothly than a continuous belt ? Maintaining tension on a link belt is a challenge and on multi step pulleys not easy, at high speeds their mass also can cause issues. Once you understand the workings of angular contact bearings and their setting then changing the secondary belt is no problem and as mine has not been touched in 53 years it will do no harm to reset them.
Put simply, The primary belt is transmitting speed, the secondary is transmitting torque.
The primary belt IS Z section and 870 long the secondary is A section and 780 long ! ( according to Myford)
Why did Ian Bradley not mention setting the headstock bearings in his book on the S7 ? The early (1960s) Myford handbook was not very clear and only a later version clearly laidout the correct proceedure, which is not hard at all provided you understand what your doing. So changing the secondary belt is not difficult. The only thing you need is a pair of slightly alered ER 32 C spanners to set the adjusting rings !
To all who have replied, thankyou, I will report back when the job is done ! Noel.