I have recently become the custodian of an ML7 of late 1970s vintage. The lathe belonged to my late father who bought it, still in its crate, from the original owner. The lathe has sat unused for a long time, since my father found it difficult to use after he suffered a stroke.
I have started to clean and check the lathe and I found a few bits are missing, and I am seeking some advice.
The lathe is fitted with the Myford clutch assembly, but the clutch will not engage. I see that one small part, shown in the parts diagram and list, is missing: Part No A1803, Operating Rod.
I am guessing that this operating rod is just a piece of round steel rod, with rounded ends. If so, it's something I can easily make, rather than trying to obtain a genuine Myford part — I should mention that the lathe and I are in Australia.
If somebody here can tell me some basic details and dimensions of the clutch operating rod I would be very grateful. And, if my guess is wrong and the piece is more complicated, I would welcome correction.
Cheers, Peter