Grind the toolbit to match the existing feedscrew thread. Check it with a magnifying glass against the daylight.
Or are you looking to get a tap for finishing purposes? Perhaps Tracy Tools might know from previous experience which finishing tap would suit your lathe?
Or you might be able to make your own 30 degree template cut and carefully filed from sheet steel and cut the point off so it fits down into the thread and use that as a gauge. Or cut the tip of a metal 30-degree set square out of a geometry set. (Do they still even make them out of metal???)
Or turn a 30 degree plug in the lathe, and a 29 degree plug, and use them as visual gauges to fit in the thread and view against the daylight with a glass.
Edited By Hopper on 08/05/2022 08:55:49
Edited By Hopper on 08/05/2022 08:58:00