Pin 28 should be fully 'home' in it's collar, not hanging out. It's purpose is to secure the collar to the leadscrew.
If it's not too badly damaged, it's okay to straighten it out and replace it – loosen off the nut and handwheel at the R/H end of the leadscrew and the carriage lock first to release any tension.
Once the pin is back in, re-fit the handwheel loosely (i.e. with ample end-float), and lightly nip up the locknut just to check that the leadscrew turns freely and without binding or rubbing on anything.
If you can't achieve free rotation at this stage, something else is amiss and will need sorting out.
Once everything feels free-but-sloppy, turn your attention to adjusting the handwheel to give the minimum of freeplay/backlash/endfloat, but without binding or becoming stiff to turn – it will not be possible to eliminate all backlash because some clearance is necessary for the parts to turn without binding.
It can be a pain to achieve correct adjustment, but it's worth persevering, and if you must, err on the side of too much freeplay rather than not enough.
The 'screw thread' pattern might be a seperate issue – is the gear train set up to give the finest feed possible – (0.08mm, I think) – 30 tooth (Z 30) on the back of the spindle, driving a Z75 which should be compounded with a Z20, which then drives the Z100 on the leadscrew…
There are a few 'hobbymat' and 'MD65' threads on the forum, the machines are great, but have some quirks, you can use the search box at the top of the page to see previous discussions..
Edited By DiogenesII on 06/03/2022 19:32:51