I should have said it's when I'm hand feeding the cross slide so no gearing engaged.
While you may not have engaged the power cross feed, there will probably be gearing within the apron still engaged with the cross slide screw when you are manually rotating the handwheel.
A perusal of the lathe parts manual exploded diagram of the apron should give an idea of the gearing arrangement for your Colchester (you didn't say which model). The probematic Harrison at work gives a jerky action with the PCF gearing disengaged – it tends to "load up" & then jump, which makes setting an accurate dimension WRT the DRO difficult. As I said earlier, I am pretty certain that this is caused by a bent shaft within the apron.
Dropping the apron isn't usually difficult as such, just a bit of a pain as the feed shaft, spindle start switch/clutch shaft (if fitted) & lead screw have to be withdrawn to free it. Only with the apron dropped will you be certain that nothing is engaged with the cross slide screw.
Nigel B.