I have found that 2.5mm pitch trapezoidal is not included on the charts, but helpfully, the calculations are very similar to ACME. The nominal thread depth is half the pitch. Better still, having changed all the change gears to MOD1 for lack of original gears for the Smart & Brown model A, I started off getting a 125/127 and it is all that is needed for producing the 2.5mm pitch. If 1/10" pitch is set and the 125 is driven and the 127 is output, the result pitch will be 0.0984251", equivalent to 2.4999975mm, close enough for government work.
Another bad design is the fixing of the Xaxis nut. When you remove the bed, an easy job, you have the choice of removing the whole Y axis casting together with the X axis leadscrew or unscrewing the leadscrew first from the nut, about 180 turns. This is because the nut is attached from underneath the Y axis casting. That will be remedied.