I know this thread is a few years old, but I have just taken mine apart to address a couple of issues that have niggled me for a long while. Taking it apart was not the 5 minute job I had expected because one of the locking pins was stuck.
I had to drill and tap a hole to remove it. The pins have angled ends so that when the table is locked against rotation it is also pulled downwards. The pins act on this groove in the table pivot journal.
The complete (dis) assembly looks like this:
So if you’re making one it would seem to be a good idea to drill and tap the locking pins to ease removal if they are burred or stuck.
And for the original post of this thread (as already confirmed) the handle rotates an eccentric which disengages the worm from the worm-wheel. However there is a locking screw that must be loosened before the eccentric can be turned.
I made this table about 30 years ago and it has been great. One of its benefits is that it’s low profile allows it to be used on machines that don’t have much daylight under the quill. Shame they no longer supply the kit.