Hi All
I don’t know what the original posters objective is, but I’ve persevered and downloaded the first of the urls. What I’ve obtained is 5 power point presentations about machining, which look quite interesting covering such topics as carbide tool manufacture and how to diagnose what is happening with the tool wear etc from the shape of the chips.
Agreed it all looks very spammy and getting shunted to a Russian website didn’t give me much confidence. Also unless you pay for the fast download option it’s slow even on broadband – deliberately restricted. At first sight you might think you’ve arrived at a porn site but I don’t see much evidence that it is – although if you dig you might find some – it looks like a file sharing site, just in Russian.
The downloaded files came with an “rar” suffix which means they’re compressed and Zipgenius6 took care of that OK, and I would expect any compression utility to cope. As far as I can tell there are no “nasties” with the download so provided your anti-virus and firewalls are up-to-date you should be OK – but I’m not accepting any responsibility if you do get “more than you bargained for”
Perhaps Hai Nguyen could give us a bit more information as to his/her background and the origin of the material. First impressions suggest it could be very useful, especially to someone just getting into machining.