what model and year car are you working on?
north american cars from 1900 to 1930’s had generally loose tolerances, but after that got a lot tighter.
do you have a rebuild manual? all specs should be there if so, and that will dictate what lashup you need for line boring.
my grandfather was a car mechanic 1917-1976 and I watched him do a number of old engine rebuilds. for some Ford models he would centre the bar in the existing bearing caps with a tapered wedge at each end of a fitup bar, and this would allow bolting a bearing plate at the wedge-derived centres to each end of the block – there were tapped holes provided in the block. old babbit was then removed, fresh babbit poured in undersize. He then swapped in the boring bar for the lineup shaft and drove it with a portable drill to bore the new bearings. A quick blue-up and scrape, a two-cigarette paper clearance check with the crank and caps, and in went the crank for good.