Hi Circlip,
Come come Sir, just what is the risk involved in using the described method and if you think it beggars belief, I wonder how you find the courage to cross the road without a “Lolliepop Lady” .
The worst, the very worst that could happen is that the chuck falls out and no longer turns. If the job gets damaged then that is just tough. Jobs get ruined, even with the most “safest” methods. Who has not had something come loose in the mill vice?
The beauty of a democracy is that you can do things your own way, if you are too timid to do something, then don’t do it! If one doesn’t push the boundaries, though, one would still be living in a village in Africa. The more adventurous of us wonder what is on the other side of the hill and go and look, thus spreading the human race thoughout the world. I am sure that there were some people in that village that said “you mustn’t go, you will fall of the edge” or some such. You note that it is the human RACE, I wonder if the creators of the English language thought that life should be a contest?
I am not advocating the wholesale use of dangerous techniques, for the masses., but needs must sometimes. I am not saying things like safety glasses are a waste of time or always wear a loose Tie when turning, that really would beggar belief.
I am sure that there are things you do, quite safely, that some Ninny thinks is “iffy”. One of the signs of intelligence is to be able to go beyond the teachings of ones tutors, that is how progress is made!
Safety is something I take seriously, despite what some may think. I am aware of the potential “risks” in my engineerium, but a risk known is a risk avoided. Every thing we do has some risk involved. Do you know some people actually risk their lives and that of others by driving cars!! A far more risky activity than having a drill chuck drop a bit.
So in inconclusion, I think you are over reacting to different techniques that you are unwilling to try, that is your right, but lets keep it real, shall we.
chris stephens
PS does anybody know if the collet holder at the start of this thread has come out yet?