I have 3 digital calipers, a vernier caliper, and a micrometer. The micrometer is for when accuracy matters.
The three digital calipers are cheap (Aldi), medium (ArcEuro), and medium+(Dasquai). They're all about the same accuracy (0.02mm across the full range), but the dearer models get results more reliably – less fiddling about and double checking.
Lidl gets most use because I don't love it. It can be dropped, stood on, and used as a scribe etc. When it breaks I'll buy another one.
The ArcEuro has a better feel to it, and resets to zero more reliably than the Lidl. With the Lidl, I usually measure 3 or more times to make sure, and never quite trust it. The ArcEuro has better repeatability – twice is usually enough to confirm, so gets used for less rough measuring and when I'm in a hurry. The Dasqua feels very smooth and has 'Absolute Zero', but it was expensive enough to worry about breaking it. So like my height gauge, it's reserved for clean work.
Dasqua batteries last longer than the other two: I suspect it's because the Dasqua has a sealed battery box, and resists condensation.
I prefer digital to analogue calipers mainly because the display is unambiguous, whereas dials require careful reading and more thought. They're also subject to mechanical problems like sticky movements and slop. I think a digital display is worth the cost of the batteries!
The vernier caliper is rarely used – not as accurate, and easy to misread.