Design is the most difficult part of engineering because all options are open. Materials, technologies, shape, size, ergonomics, appearance, cost, strength, performance, and a host of other decisions like is it going to be bolted, soldered, brazed, welded, glued. riveted or clipped together!
I see the design process as eliminating options to get to the goal. The starting point is defining the purpose, because that eliminates many alternatives. If the purpose is to hammer in nails, don't make the striker out of cheesium, true from toffee hammers to nail-guns.
The purpose is usually a long list of Requirements, divided into mandatory and desirables. Important to get the requirement correct at the ouset because the cost of fixing mistakes multiplies by 10 at each stage.
In theory design should be "top down" rather than "bottom up". The idea is to get the big picture correct before tackling details and not letting trivia steer the design. Top down favours team work because parts of the design can be farmed out. Most modern design is multidisciplinary teamwork. Barnes Wallis, b1887, d1979, said he felt lucky to have started at a time when it was still possible for an individual to design an entire aircraft. Not how the Wellington was designed: in 1932 Barnes Wallis led a large team who implemented his 'big picture' vision, and he didn't have much input into complicated sub-systems like the radio installation, or what Rolls-Royce did with the engines.
In practice, a singleton or small team, can benefit from a "Middle out" approach. Details may have to be solved first, and perhaps the requirement has expensive low-value features, or the design process revealed a too-good-to-miss opportunity. The trick is maintaining control: all too easy for projects to drift off course, or lose touch reality. Top down is best practice, but it pays not to be too purist!
Design being hard work liable to go wrong, designers should reuse standard components and designs as much as possible. Modellers are in the happy position of being guided by the prototype. LBSC didn'tt have to derive the shape of his locos, or tackle much from first principles. He didn't have to invent the multi-tube boiler, injector, regulator, pressure gauge or valve-gear from scratch. "All" he had to do was scale full-size designs down in a way allowing them to be assembled a small workshop, and then add the "words and music" enabling an amateur to build one. Not trivial and LBSC designs include many modifications to get reasonable performance out of his engines, including a giant perched on the tender to reach the controls!
As full-size and model design principles are so similar, there are plenty of books. I favour those written before about 1960 because they tend to be less academic, but many have been updated, helpful for things like FEA. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering, 8th Edition (2006) .
I don't know of any books on model design. I have one with a promising title, but it's actually about models for testing full size designs. Interesting, but not model engineering as we know it.
In Jelly's case, I suppose the first requirement to nail down is whether or not he wants to ride on the model.
- If riding-on the design problem is carrying the driver's weight, with a certain degree of comfort, so he can see where he's going, and positioning the controls so they can be operated properly. Is the driver a slim, agile, 12 year old, or a creaky left-handed 6' 5" pensioner who has eaten too much cake? The controls can probably copy the original layout, tweaked and extended to improve access.
- If remote controlled, all the driver on-board problems disappear, to be replaced by other issues. Radio Control is a possibility, but servos have to arranged to drive the model's controls safely. Working controls whilst walking alongside with a stick is a simpler form of remote control, but introduces other issues, like a model that moves faster than the driver!
- Computer control is a possibility. The model runs to a program, but senses obstacles and stops if necessary. Could be combined with a remote "dead-man's hand" where the operator can stop and start the machine manually, and the machine stops if the signal is lost.
Considering options, the designer has to watch practicalities. A mechanical engineer able to build a ride-on model, might discount computer control because he doesn't have the necessary skills. The contents of my junk-box often constrain what I do!
CAD is a powerful design tool, not magic, more a "power assist". The designer still has to know what he's doing. CAD build the design as a 'virtual' object, existing realistically inside a computer, by understanding most of the rules that apply to the real object. Saves lots of time by highlighting interferences, impossible configurations, weaknesses, assembly problems, part mismatches, over-weight etc, that are very difficult to see on paper. Sadly CAD is skilled work in it's own right, taking time and effort to learn.