Hi watertower, I believe Mick is correct. I think you mean the smokebox end though. In LBSC's notes on his "Dairymaid" he says to follow suit with many of the big Dairymaids and use a Maunsel snifting valve each side of the smokebox and gives reference to his "Live Steam" book for the details, but he does say that one of them can be a dummy.
However, on a previous page in his book, there are a few notes on snifting valves for 2.1/2" gauge engines and a sketch shows the one in you photo. he says they are the usual mushroom-head type and it shows it poking through the hole in the smokebox behind the chimney. It looks as if it is poking through by about twice the actual head height to the top of the head.
The original "Live Steam" book was called "Shops, Shed, and Road." and the page numbers relate to this book, although the sketchs are in both.
Hope this is of help.
Regards Nick.
Edited By Nicholas Farr on 04/12/2012 19:31:37